brought near

brought near

The vast distance between mankind and God through the fall was bridged in the Old Covenant for the Jewish nation.

The New Covenant God promised to establish brought the rest of mankind near and the Jews who believe even nearer than the Old Covenant could allow.

This New Covenant is found IN THE BLOOD of Jesus the Messiah. Lord of all and Savior of the world!

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One Body

One body IN CHRIST

The early church was filled with Gentile believers who only had the Old Testament Jewish scriptures which spoke of them as if they were dogs.

In addition to this the Jewish believers were slow to let go of their trained prejudice. So God sent a servant Apostle to them in the person of Paul to tell them they belonged and were no second rate citizens of heaven but were one with the Jews who are IN CHRIST!

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in Him

These three things I want you to know

In the later part of the first chapter, Paul reveals that he often prays for these saints, that in the enlightened condition they enjoy IN CHRIST, that the Spirit would reveal to them three things.

In this lessone we touch on the first two of these eternal truths which are SO essential for a heart trained towards a proper response to the blessings of position and privlege we all have IN HIM!

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