Spirit's Law

The Spirit’s Law of Life in Christ Pt. 3

Podcast: Download (74.4MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Sunday 03/08/20 Series: Do we Really Believe? Message – The Spirit’s Law of Life in Christ Pt. 3 Share this:   Life in Christ We are still using 2Cor. 3:2&3 as our KEY text today. “(2) You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, recognized and read by everyone, (3)  since it is plain that you are Christ’s letter, produced by us, not written with ink but with the Spirit of the living God; not on stone tablets but on tablets that are hearts of flesh.” You are Christ’s letter, written by the […]

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Spirit Life

The Spirit’s Law of Life in Christ Pt. 2

Podcast: Download (54.7MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Sunday 03/03/20 Series: Do we Really Believe? Message – The Spirit’s Law of Life in Christ Pt. 2 Share this:   Life in Christ Our KEY text today is found in 2Cor. 3:3,  “(3) since it is plain that you are Christ’s letter, produced by us, not written with ink but with the Spirit of the living God; not on stone tablets but on tablets that are hearts of flesh.” You are Christ’s letter, written by the Spirit of God! We’ve been talking about “Do we REALLY believe?” and in this series so far […]

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Why Church

Why church?

Why Church? I am going to attempt to offer a simple and clear answer to this question. As such it will lack MUCH in terms proofs, since that would immediately and greatly lengthen the article. So I will just say now that for a more in-depth answer, I have a separate article which I link to at the end of this one. As a Pastor, I’m certain I’ve heard virtually every objection to church attendance in the book. The following three however, are the ones I heard he most often. “I don’t need a church to meet with God, I […]

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Spirit's Law

The Spirit’s Law of Life in Christ Pt. 1

Podcast: Download (74.8MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Sunday 02/16/20 Series: Do we Really Believe? Message – The Spirit’s Law of Life in Christ Share this:   Life in Christ Over the past six weeks we’ve had the following messages illustrating and enforcing these truths and their implications: In our Midst Why do we Gather? The Purpose of the Gospel is Life and Peace  Worship is how you walk The heart of true worship The LAW of Freedom – Okay, this was mostly rewording the past messages to get it deeper into your hearts and then I tagged onto the end the […]

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Law Freedom

The LAW of Freedom

Podcast: Download (85.1MB)Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Sunday 02/09/20 Series: Do we Really Believe? Message – The Law of Freedom Share this:   The LAW of Freedom We’ve kicked off the new year with the question –  Do we Really believe?   – “How am I living like I believe His words are true?” Now, over the past five weeks we’ve had the following messages illustrating and enforcing these truths and their implications: In our Midst – Jesus is walking amidst His global church and His individual local churches. He is scrutinizing their walk – Are they walking like they believe His […]

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